ahmed a. jabir
PhD Research:
Role of Foregin Educational & Cultural Institutions in Developing
Sudanese Contemporary Plastic Art (Britain- Case of Study)
Carried out in Arabic with a plan to be translated in English
ٍٍThis research tackles 'The Role of Foreign Educational and Cutural Institutions in Developing the Contemporary Sudanese Plastic Art, Britain Case of Study' combining both the historical and the descriptive-analytic methods classfied in five chapters to prove its hypothese. Chapter 1, focuses on the significance of the research, its aims, problems and hypothses while chapter 2, dedicated to the review of relevant literature both in Arabic and English. Chapter 3, concentrates on the content of the research throughtout various aspects. Chapter 4, reveals the roles of the British cultural institutions in providing required necessary relevant information including practices in contemporary Sudanese plastic art. Chapter 5, describes the followed research methods procedures, findings discussion summarizing by providing the hypotheses, recommendations and conclusion.
MA in Art, Design & Visual Culture:
Visual Interpretation of 'Women in The Waste Land' & Ash Wednesday'
ٍٍThis project based research focuses on a visual interpretation of the two remarkable poems by Eliot, through cultural dialouge. It represents the culture of Eliot's as a poet, white and a western Christian and the culture of the researcher as a painter, and Afro-Arab Muslim. The project is carried out through studio-based practice involving creation of relevant artwork illustrating key aspects from the two major poems. African motifs and Arabic calligraphy have been deployed beside relevant western art techniques and styles to convey its vision. On the other hand, relevant theortical studies including, seminars, essays and a research cotextualizing and conceptualizing the project has been carried out and followed by a show case.